Political Warfare Bureau,M.N.D.PostDate: 2017/01/20
The all-out defense education and relevant promotion shall be implemented in accordance with the All-Out Defense Education Act of the Republic of China.
To integrate relevant ministries, local authorities, the system of all-out defense mobilization, schools at all levels, and social groups to promote the all-out defense education, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) presents a detailed plan and carry it out accordingly. The MND expects to increase the public’s knowledge and awareness of all-out defense and have a solid development of national defense to further ensure the nation’s security.
Key Points for Implementation:
The MND would focus on five educational objectives, including “international situations,” “policy on national defense,” “all-out defense,” “defense mobilization,” and “defense technology” in four fields: “public education,” “governmental institution in-service training,” “social education,” and “national defense cultural relics preservation, guidance, and education.” The MND would integrate relevant ministries, agencies at all levels, the system of all-out defense mobilization, schools, and social groups. The MND would also enhance the educational efficiency through curriculum design, campaigns, and diverse supplementary activities to earn the public’s care of, support for, and participation in defense construction.
Work Plan:
The MND is responsible for the work plan and evaluation of all-out defense education in accordance with the duties of the central competence agency regulated in the All-Out Defense Education Act. The MND has reviewed the implementation outcomes of 2015 and adopted the suggestions from the county and city governments in the evaluation; thus, the work plan for the year 2016 would center upon “practicality, brevity, information, and diversity.” The key points are listed as follows:
I. All-out defense takes roots in public education
i. Holding “All-out Defense Education Conferences”:
To receive more suggestions for the all-out defense educational policy from the academic field, the MND would continue to hold the “All-out Defense Education Conference,” inviting scholars to present their research and provide academic suggestions as the reference for making policies and promoting academic research on all-out defense. In addition, we would hold selection events for all-out defense teaching plans submitted by military education instructors before the conference and give prizes to awardees during the conference session. The MND also works with the Ministry of Education (MOE) to encourage colleges and universities to organize relevant academic conferences and promote the all-out defense education on campus in accordance with “The Enforcement Plan for Conducting All-Out Defense Education in Schools at All Levels.”
ii. Supporting the Ministry of Education to hold live-fire shooting experience activities:
• To strengthen the basic military skills of high school students, the MND would keep supporting the MOE to hold live-fire shooting experience activities. We would ask the MOE to coordinate with all supporting units in the Armed Forces to design the flow chart for live-fire shooting based on training and use conditions of the gunnery ranges, and to submit the implementation plan of live-fire shooting experience activities before July 8, 2016 in order to proceed the following procedures. Regarding the outsourcing and storage of guns and ammunition for live-fire shooting, all the command headquarters will have to report to the MND (Office for Logistics of the Deputy Chief of the General Staff) to audit and approve. Offshore guns and balls shipment is not permitted to use voucher exchange; every unit shall follow accordingly the outsourcing contract and to “Guidelines Governing Firearms, Balls, and Demolition Management of the R.O.C. Armed Forces.”
iii. Implementation of educational personnel training:
In response to the need for all-out defense education teaching manpower in schools at all levels, the MND provides “basic course training” and “professional check” for novice military education instructors in accordance with the “Regulations of Training for Military Education Instructors as All-Out Defense Education Instructors.” The MND would work with the MOE and send qualified instructors to teach core curriculum, so that military education instructors participating in the training program would acquire the latest information of national defense policy and help promote all-out defense education on campus.
iv. Editing supplementary teaching materials:
To promote the all-out defense education in junior high and elementary schools and to make children and teenagers have a deep understanding of issues related to national defense, the editing of supplementary teaching materials for all-out defense education in the Grade 1-9 Curriculum should cover military and national defense, all-out defense and other relevant themes. The MND would assist school teachers to integrate the all-out defense education into various courses and enrich the course content through holding seminars to increase teachers’ competence. The implementation will be reviewed and assessed by the competent agencies and will be submitted to the MND for compiling the six-month report on work effectiveness which is to send to the Legislative Yuan.
v. Providing informative content for promoting all-out defense:
To increase the activeness, purposiveness, and pracmaticality, defense policy and the various updated information are published in the “column for all-out defense education” in Youth Daily News (including Youth Daily Newspaper, the Victorious Monthly, the Valor Monthly, and Home Sweet Home Quarterly) under the MND. The public can access and download the latest news via E-paper of Youth Daily News, the website of All-Out Defense Education, and real-time news from Military News Agency. The MND would like to ask all competent agencies and local authorities to encourage school teachers to adopt the news as teaching materials in their courses in order to enhance students’ national defense competence and the quality of teachers’ teaching.
II. Pervasive promotion of the Armed Forces on campuses
To build channels among students, the Armed Force Academy, and the Armed Forces, the MND enters the campuses to promote national defense education with the support of the MOE, and the event is highly welcomed and recognized by teachers and students. In 2016, under the principle of not affecting troops’ mission and students’ regular curriculum, the MND would hold four promoting sessions in north, central, south, and east areas respectively and invite the local authorities in charge and local liaison offices of the MOE to join to achieve the educational effectiveness.
III. Quiz contests to invite the public to participate
To promote all-out defense education and increase the public’s participation, the MND continues to hold online quiz contests to make the public and students realize the meaning of all-out defense and further achieve the goals in “universalization” and “deepening the education.” Through the entertaining and educational quiz contests, we would like to arouse people’s love for the country, to earn the public’s support for defense consensus, and to encourage the younger generation to join the Armed Forces.
IV. A colorful life in summer camps for students to challenge
To enhance the efficiency of summer battle camps of 2016, the MND focuses on providing various types of camps and on the course content improvement. We would also integrate the resources on school campuses, introduce the features of army services, and combine the camps with military recruitment, targeting on recruiting junior high, senior high, and college students. The MND continues to hold up to 15 summer battle camps, including Kinmen, Matsu, Penghu, parachute training, Chengkungling, amphibious fighters, marine life, and air fighting summer battle camps. We hope to provide students with more choices and attract students to join diverse camps, which will enrich their summer vacation and enhance the recruiting results. The detailed activity schedule of the battle camps would be attached with the implementation plan for summer battle camps and sent to competent agencies. Reserve publicists (consulting cadets) of the MND would assist to organize all-out defense activities and walk into the neighborhoods broadcasting relevant information. In addition, we would continue to hold training programs for group counseling for summer battle camps and demonstration. With the diverse activities and camps, we hope to make participants have a deep understanding of the ideas of all-out defense and raise their awareness about defending their own country.
V. The Nansha Camp to enhance the ideas of South China Sea Policy
The “Nansha Camp for All-out Defense of 2016” is divided into three batches and will be held from April to June. We have loosened the qualification requirement for participants; Ph. D and master students in departments and institutes related to education and economics and schools that had participated before are all welcome to register. The draw for the camp is open to the public. Each batch of the Nansha Camp will consist of three schools (there will be 63 teachers and students from nine schools joining the camp), which would be able to meet schools’ needs of research. Moreover, to enrich the camp activities, we design and introduce new activities such as the history of South China Sea economic strategies and coastal cleanup, and assign the lecturers to give talks on the military recruitment. We also keep updating the Facebook fan page of the Nansha Camp to introduce the South China Sea Policy, the information of national defense, and all-out defense educational activities. In the meantime, we connect to on-campus networks nationwide and hold online lucky draws to boost the activities’ presence. With those activities, we hope to raise students’ passion for the country, strengthen their awareness about country border, and enhance the ideas of all-out defense education.
VI. Improving the in-service training and training excellent faculty members
i. Offering regular courses:
To increase civil servants’ knowledge of national defense and awareness of defending the country, the government agencies have been hosting a two-hour in-service training course on all-out defense. Civil servants and government units may apply online via the “Online System for All-Out Defense In-service Training,” which makes the application easy and quick. In addition, the hours of online learning could be certified by the Civil Service Development Institute to boost the digital learning of all-out defense. The learning hours would be also included in the annual evaluation.
ii. Increasing the number of qualified teachers:
To increase the qualified teachers for in-service training, the MND has selected candidates with Ph.D. or Master’s degree (or experiences in domestic and international war strategies) as prospective trainees, undergoing the review process with “teacher education seminars, teaching plan reviewing, and teaching demonstrations” to enhance their professional knowledge and lecturing skills. They would be assigned to be the instructors for in-service training tour when the agencies in counties and cities submit applications. In addition, to enhance the teachers’ qualification and the development of full-time professionals, the MND would examine the instructors’ qualification through the evaluation in every county and city, written report, and inspection. In order to better promote the educational work, we would design the online questionnaires to learn the attendees’ response, the situation in the class, and the participants’ feedback, which would be used as the reference for the teachers’ performance evaluation.
VII. Expanding social education and increasing civil-military interactions
i. Troop area tour:
To advocate the interactive and lively all-out defense education, the MND holds the “intellectual journey—troop area tour” activities on the basis of covering both the city and countryside areas and all types of the Armed Forces. The MND plans to hold three troop area tours to introduce the features and types at the bases of the Army, the Air Force, and the Navy respectively in 2016.
ii. Cooperating with the military reserve training organizations:
To promote all-out defense education, the Division of Reserve Command is entrusted with the task to regularly select excellent reserve publicists (consulting cadets) to promote the concept of current crucial defense policies. In the meantime, the reserve publicists will support the events organized by the MND and with the all-out defense mobilization exercise held by local governments and co-organize the campaign for all-out defense to strengthen the all-out defense education and to generate the social consensus about all-out defense.
iii. Guided tour reservation:
The MND would receive reservation requests for “all-out defense” troop area tours and work with local festivals, school anniversary, and relevant events hosted by local governments, universities, and civil groups to demonstrate the establishment and readiness of the Armed Forces and promote defense education to earn the public’s support of defense policies. In terms of the duties and authorities over the troop area tour and other supplementary activities, the units in charge (each Armed Force Command) should cope with the reservation based on their authority and responsibility if the reservation falls to certain armed service and unit. Organizations may directly contact each Armed Force Command, National Defense University, and the MND (and its subordinate units) to make reservations for the guide tour and simplify the application procedure to effectively use the resources of all-out defense education.
VIII. Integrating the all-out defense education with local guided tours
To continue to integrate with the local guided tour and promote the ideas of defense education, the MND would ask the local governments to make the places related to all-out defense education in their regions tourist attractions, provide information for the public on the websites of local offices or event platforms, and introduce the historical background and the concept of defense education to achieve the objective of promoting all-out defense.
IX. Enriching the online information and improving the service functions
To improve the service functions on the website of All-Out Defense Education (http://aode.mnd.gov.tw/), with the convenience and rapidity of the Internet, the MND provides better services and increases channels to better interact with the public by updating the “registration system for summer battle camps” and the “online application system for in-service training.” The MND would also create a Facebook fan page for all-out defense education to help promote various kinds of activities and provide photos and video clips for the public to browse and download. We hope to have subliminal influence on the youths and attract them to share and interact with us via the establishment of the platform.
X. Making good use of and publicizing the promotion networks
To promote the all-out defense educational work and the policy on military recruitment, the MND would continue to use the current media channels such as public service advertising lightbox charity advertising, vehicle advertising and broadcasting promotion videos, and further make use of social network apps, news (prints) and other sources of mass media to boost the promotion and its power to appeal and spread. The MND would also make proper promotional materials of all-out defense education and use them in the events held by the MND and all the subordinate units to increase the public’s interest to participate.
XI. Electing and awarding institutions and individuals with outstanding achievement
To encourage agencies at all levels, social groups, and individuals to actively participate the all-out defense educational work, the MND has stipulated the qualification of nominees, institutions (units) of nomination, objects, and the number of nominees in accordance with the Guidelines for Nomination and Praise of Outstanding Achievement Award for All-Out Defense Education. The guidelines were further amended with experiences in implementation of 2015 and suggestions from members of the review committee. The review committee consists of executives of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Transportation and other relevant ministries, professionals, scholars, and the socially recognized fair and just individuals, and the Deputy Secretary of Defense (military affairs) is the member as well as the chairman of the committee. The mission of the review committee is to build a review system, complete the evaluation, and enhance the effectiveness of rewarding.
XII. Implementing a review system and developing effective communications
To make the evaluation system more complete and objective, the MND divides the units to be evaluated into group A (special municipalities) and group B (city and county governments) and appoints professional review committee members to conduct the two-stage reviewing: “document review” and “inspection.” in 2016. In the first stage “document review,” the committee will examine the report on the work effectiveness submitted by every unit and select eight units to enter the second-round review. In the second stage “inspection,” committee members will visit these eight units to have further inspection based on the work effectiveness, and finally nominate three units with excellent performance (one unit from group A and two units from group B). The nominated units would be awarded in public in the “Ceremony for Celebrating the Armed Forces Day and All-Out Defense Education Day” organized by the MND.
XIII. Adopting opinions from various fields and enhancing policy-making
To implement the educational practices and horizontal business connection among the units, the MND plans to host the “Year End Conference for All-Out Defense Education Promotion of 2016,” inviting executives and administrators of relevant ministries, councils, and local governments to attend the conference. In the conference, we would discuss and review the work progress in 2016, annual work plan for the year 2017, and the current tasks of the governmental agencies at all levels. The MND expects to receive and collect opinions from the project report, experience sharing, policy orientation, and demonstration as the reference for future policies, and to have positive interactions with the ministries, councils, and local governments to smoothly promote the all-out defense education.
XIV. Project report on the work effectiveness of all-out defense education promotion
The MND would collect documents submitted by competent agencies, joint staff, and all the Army Command headquarters, and further compile the project report on the work effectiveness every six months. The MND would also propose measures for improvement and submit the report to the Foreign and National Defense Committee under the Legislative Yuan.
Notice of Coordination
I. To simplify the application procedure for all-out defense educational in-service training instructors, applying units must register and apply online. Application via phone calls would not be accepted. We request all the units to apply via the online system to help promotion and statistics calculation.
II. The MND would first conduct document review in the all-out defense educational evaluation of local governments of 2016, and the inspection would be arranged on the second stage. We would like to ask local competent agencies to submit the report on the work effectiveness by the designated date regulated in the annual evaluation project to make the evaluation go smoothly.
III. To speed up the review and approval, units that apply for troop area tour and other supplementary activities should clarify the purpose of visit and the planned itinerary rather than simply state “all-out defense.”
IV. In addition to the assigned and distributed work, every competent agency shall stipulate in the related agreement that agencies involved shall work together and coordinate the man power and resources to promote the all-out defense education of 2016, strengthen the public’s psychological defense, and build the consensus and mutual trust of all-out defense.

Picture_Year 2016 Troop area tour
Last Updated: 2017/1/20 PageView: 9120