Political Warfare Bureau,M.N.D.PostDate: 2017/07/03
The Military Spokesperson System of the ROC Armed Forces
The Ministry of National Defense (MND) is installed with the position of spokesperson, which is chaired by the Director of Military Spokesperson Office of the General Political Warfare Bureau. The MND spokesperson is mainly in charge of media services, such as hosting regular press conferences, external statements, news releases, background explanation, media liaison and application of interview for MND, and he or she also supervises various items of news administration for each command.
The directors of Political Warfare Directorate of the National Defense University and its affiliated colleges, Chung- cheng Armed Forces Preparatory School, and Military Hospitals also assume the post as spokesperson for each unit, while the chief judges of the Military Courts and the chief prosecutors of Prosecution Offices of the Military Courts assume the post as spokesperson respectively.
For regiment-level (Navy, Air-force, and Army likewise) of each army service, it is installed with spokesperson, and the post is assumed by the director of political warfare Directorate, who is responsible for external statements for the regimen, and directs news releases and news administration of its subordinate units.
The post of spokesperson below regiment-level is not installed (Navy, Air-force, and Army likewise). The matters of news releases and news administration are taken by the political warfare office. As for the task of external statements, the competent officer will be assigned by the chief at or higher than regimen-level according to various cases.
The regional commands under the Reserve Command are the official spokespersons, and they can, according to timeliness and news status, assign the director of political warfare Directorate (director of department) of regional level (county, city) command as the authorized spokesperson. The individual is responsible for news releases, news administration, and the task of external statements on matters of general nature.
The director of Political Warfare Directorate from each command also assumes the office as the spokesperson, who is in charge of news administration and external statements for each command, and also directs news releases, news administration, media liaison and communications and visits for its subordinate units at all levels. Besides, an additional deputy spokesperson is also installed, who is assumed by the deputy director of political warfare Directorate. Supervising news work, he or she assists the spokesperson to do business such as coordination with the Military Spokesperson Office of MND, news administration, issue collection and composing of news release for unexpected event. Furthermore, he or she also takes on the burden of directing news releases, news administration, and media liaison and communications and visits for its subordinate units at all levels.
Last Updated: 2021/10/7 PageView: 2478